Hi there! I decided to start a blog on my website, and this is my first post here. I think it’s a great way to share my personal experience, thoughts and ideas as well as to connect with different people. If you want to know a bit more about me and my lifestyle, you’re in the right place.

I’m going to show locations I visit, my travels and small adventures of a Dubai expat. You may know me as a family photographer who is passionate about documenting beautiful memories of others, but I also love to collect my own special moments. And I want to save more of these moments with the help of my camera. Are you with me? ☺️

All photos you see in this post were captured during my short trip to Ras Al Khaimah. This emirate is located at the northernmost part of the United Arab Emirates, and it's famous for its mountain landscapes.

However, hiking, camping, or other adventures in the mountains were not in our list of activities, as we came to RAK in mid-August, and the weather was extremely hot. Me and my husband spent our weekend at Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah Hotel enjoying cold swimming pools and its almost empty private beach. But we will definitely come back to the emirate to look at the highest peak in the UAE when the outside air temperature is not so high.

I need to mention that it was my first visit to the beach this year. I know, quite shocking! I really had no time to swim and sunbathe during winter and spring seasons. That’s why I want to memorize this moment and save the photos here as a reminder to spend more days at the beach.

In order to celebrate this glorious beach moment I even woke up at 6 am to catch early morning sun rays and swim without other people in the water. A special thanks goes to my husband who was up with the lark in his day off and helped me with some photos.